Health Talk Today

Cell Phones

Towers and Antennas

Now that I’ve been researching cell phone safety, I found a website to locate the towers and antennas in any area. Just enter an address here: and it will generate a map and a report. I found 64 towers and 374 antennas within 4 miles of my home. One tower is .4 miles away. I’m beginning to feel like my head is buzzing from all the radio frequencies that are all around.

Marilyn Kvasnok

Cell Phone Dangers

It seems like everyone today has a cell phone. And everywhere I look, people are talking on their cell. They’re ahead of me in the checkout line and sitting behind me at the restaurant. I remember years ago, when you passed someone who was talking, you assumed they were talking to themselves. Today, you just assume they’re on a cell phone. Some people keep their cell phone attached to their ear with a Bluetooth or ear bud. And some people are downright rude, talking on their cell when they should be talking to the people they’re with.

I finally got a cell phone a few years ago. Since I drive from Ohio to Florida and back to Ohio twice a year, I decided I needed one for an emergency. I worried that eventually an emergency would be calling Pizza Hut on the way home, so the pizza would be hot when I arrived. But, that hasn’t been the case. I really only use my cell for short calls – one or two minutes – And probably no more than a couple times a month. And it’s come in handy a few times when I was running late.

I don’t want to use my cell phone any more than that because I’m not convinced that they’re safe. There are arguments both ways, but until I’m convinced, I’ll just keep mine for an emergency.

And now, I’m learning that it’s not JUST cell phones. It’s the cell phone towers, along with all the other electronics that are a part of our everyday lives.

I ran across these videos on Google that were very enlightening – And scary . . .

Marilyn Kvasnok

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