Health Talk Today

Food Shopping

“Living Green” When Shopping

You’ve got to start somewhere. But where? I believe in making little changes that add up to a big change. And everything counts. Here are some “Living Green” ideas I’ve adopted when shopping . . .

Paper or Plastic?
The answer is “Neither.” I bring my own cloth or canvas bags.

Plastic Produce Bags
I see shoppers using a plastic bag for each apple or cucumber. I just put all my produce in my cloth bag. At the checkout counter, the cashier takes out one at a time, scans it and packs it in another cloth bag.

Less is More
To reduce plastic bottles in the landfill, I buy concentrated cleaning products. The products I like are also non-toxic. Because they’re concentrated, I buy one bottle. When I’m ready to clean, I mix up a bottle of cleaner, using a little of the concentrate and filtered water. One bottle of concentrate makes a LOT of bottles of cleaner.

Marilyn Kvasnok

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