Health Talk Today

Free Deals

Free Digital Subscription

I’m passing along a free, digital, one year subscription to one of four magazines: Women’s Health, Runner’s, Men’s Health or Prevention. I saw it on Twitter this morning. This offer expires December 31, 2011.

Free Digital Subscription

I subscribed to Prevention Magazine … One of my favorites.  As soon as I subscribed, I had instant access to the magazine.  I haven’t had a Prevention Magazine subscription for a while, so I’m really looking forward to it.

Save a tree and the cost of a subscription.  And when you subscribe, leave a comment and let me know which magazine you chose and why.

Marilyn Kvasnok

Free Music Downloads from

Amazon has free music downloads on their site.  Here are a few classical music albums . . .

The Best Of The Most Relaxing Classical Music In The Universe

 The Best Of The Most Relaxing Classical Music In The Universe

I Love the 80s, Vol. 1 (1880s)

I Love the 80s, Vol. 1 (1880s)

 If you find more free music at Amazon, add the link in your comment.

Marilyn Kvasnok

How Much is One Trillion Dollars?

A really long time ago, I remember when $20 in my wallet seemed like a lot of money. By the time my family was growing and the economy was booming, I needed $100 when I was shopping. Today, I need a credit card.

There’s a lot on the news lately about the federal budget and the national debt. I remember when a million dollars sounded like a lot of money. Then, it was a billion. Now, I often hear a trillion dollars on the news. How much money is that? Watch the video to learn more . . .

Video compliments of, a free site where you can track your finances and create a budget. You need to add your bank, credit card, home loan and investment account information – Not something I recommend. Then, Mint pulls in your balances, purchases, stock trades, etc. to give you a complete picture of your finances.

Marilyn Kvasnok

Brain Fitness – Free Crossword Puzzle

Are you in a rut? Doing the same things day after day? Or not doing much of anything at all? Have you become a couch potato?

We all have a daily routine: Regular times to eat, sleep, shower, watch TV and work. There’s nothing wrong with having a routine. As a full time caregiver for my mom, who’s no longer independent, I thrive on routine. That way, both of us know what needs to be done and the schedule keeps us on track.

But, stimulating your brain with something new is the way to learn and grow. It’s also one way to improve memory and concentration.

Brain exercise is an important part of staying healthy. One way to challenge your brain is to play games – Any game that you find fun and stimulating.

Here’s a free online crossword puzzle. There’s a new one every day, so come back often to play.



Games at - Crossword Daily
Crossword Daily

Complete the crossword as quickly as you can.




Play this free game now!!

What other things can you do to improve memory?

Marilyn Kvasnok

Mind Mapping

I’m always looking for ways to organize and document what I’ve done and what I want to do. I carry a lot of it around in my head, but there’s a better way. I got rid of my mental clutter by creating mind maps.

Whether you need a To Do list, a bucket list or keep track of your goals, mind mapping software by FreeMind can help you sort out your thoughts. Create your mind map and save it as an image to use as your desktop wallpaper. Or print a copy of your mind map to post on your refrigerator or bathroom mirror.

And best of all . . .
FreeMind mind mapping software is a free download.

This is a sample mind map from FreeMind. The center of the chart can be where you are today. On the left, list where you’ve been and on the right, where you’re going. Or it can be a goal or project, with all the brainstorming ideas branching out. FreeMind mind maps can be as simple or detailed as you’d like them to be.

What can you create with FreeMind mind mapping software? Comments welcome.

Marilyn Kvasnok
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