Health Talk Today

Password Security

Online Security

Con ManIt can seem so innocent. Your Facebook friend has posted a fun quiz on your wall. You just need to answer some questions about yourself and ask your other friends to do the same. How can this hurt you? It’s just your middle name, best friend’s name, favorite color, birthday and your pet’s name. Information to help your social media friends get to know you better. But, isn’t that the kind of security questions your financial sites use? If you forget your password there, what is the security question you need to answer to get into your account? If it’s your best friend’s name (or one of the others from the quiz), you just gave a hacker the info they need to clean out your account.

Password Security
If your passwords are real words, you’re at the mercy of hackers. Especially if they’re words that mean something to you – Like your birthday or your dog’s name. Strong passwords are a random combination of letters and numbers. But, how will you ever remember a password like tN2zW59? I think that’s what stops a lot of us from using cryptic passwords.

One way to remember cryptic passwords is to keep a list of them. If you’re online working and having fun, you’ll quickly acquire a long list of websites with login ID’s and passwords.

When I started finding sign up sites with a warning “Enter your info manually. Do not copy and paste or use programs like Roboform,” I had one of those AHA moments. First, I refused to sign up on that site. Why couldn’t I just paste in my info? It’s because the hackers can trace the keystrokes, but not the paste. Second, I wanted Roboform if the hackers can’t access my info if I use that program. I’ve been a happy RoboForm customer for a couple years now. It saves me time because with one click, RoboForm takes me to the login site and enters my ID and password. Safe, secure and easy!

PS: If you order RoboForm thru this link, I make a small affiliate commission. You don’t pay anything extra. It’s just a thank you from the company because I referrred you.

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