Health Talk Today


Is Penmanship a Dying Art?

Girl With PencilMaybe a bigger question is … Does anyone care?

In grade school, students are taught to print each letter and number.  Little first graders strive to make perfectly round O’s and straight line I’s and 1’s.  By third grade. students are practicing endless diagonal lines /////// and rows of spiral circles.  Rows usually alternated between the two.  They reminded me of clouds and rain. In Catholic school, the nuns expected perfection.  An almost impossible task for this little 8 year old left hander.

But now, I realize I hardly ever write in cursive, except to sign my name.  And that can hardly be called the Palmer Method.  Years ago, I learned to print as fast as others write.  At least I could read it, well most of the time, anyway.

In an age of computers, who writes anymore?  Not me.  Maybe an occasional thank you note, but mostly a note to myself.  Is penmanship dying?  It’s still taught in school, but even young children use a computer.

So, does anyone care?

Marilyn Kvasnok

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