Health Talk Today


Food That Is Good For You

I believe that continuing to take little steps in the right direction, will add up to a healthy lifestyle. And every time I take another step, I find there’s so much more I can do. There are many stages of eating healthy. Some people think processed lunch meat is healthy. Others think more chicken and less beef is better for them. And some won’t eat meat at all.

No matter what your eating habits are today, here are some little steps you can take …

Drink more water
Aim for 8 glasses of water a day. I’ve read that everything counts: Water, coffee, tea, even the water content of food like lettuce. I think only water is counted as water. That’s what I try to drink most of the time.

Eat less salt
Add a little salt if needed, as food is cooking. But, never add salt at the table.

Eat slowly and chew well
Put your fork down between bites. Chew at least 20 times per bite. Pay attention to feeling full. Stop when you get that feeling.

Eat food that is good for you
A plant based diet is one of the healthiest. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. And, to minimize pesticides, buy organic when possible. Use a non-toxic cleaner to wash fruits and vegetables to remove any dirt, germs from handling, surface pesticides and protective coatings. Even food you’re going to peel should be washed. When you peel or cut into it, you don’t want to drag dirt, germs and pesticides into the food.

Food That Is Good For You

Be sure to leave a comment. What’s your favorite food that is good for you?

Marilyn Kvasnok

Real Blueberries?


Image: Michelle Meiklejohn /


When you see blueberries on the box,
do you believe there are really
blueberries inside?

Check the ingredient list
to find out what’s REALLY
in your food.

Marilyn Kvasnok

New Year’s Resolutions Revisited

2012 GlassesThe new year held so much promise. A new beginning … New dreams … New goals. We could start fresh in 2012, so we gave it lots of thought and decided on a New Year’s resolution. Odds are it was one of the top ten New Year’s resolutions.

It’s the end of April and many New Year’s resolutions are long forgotten. How are you doing with yours?

Lose Weight and Get Fit
With all the weight loss products and systems, why can’t we lose weight and keep it off? Athletes know the secret: It’s leucine. Leucine helps you keep muscle while you lose weight. And since your metabolism is in your muscles, you lose the weight and keep it off. Stop the vicious diet cycle. Losing weight can be a Cinch!

Quit Smoking
Smoking is the number one preventable cause of death in the United States. There’s no good reason to smoke and every reason to quit. My Top 10 Reasons to Quit Smoking and links to resources to help you quit.

Learn Something New
Great for brain health. Take a class, learn to dance, volunteer at church or a hospital. These are just a few suggestions. The possibilities are endless.

Eat Healthy
Goodbye pizza, chips and Coke. Hello broccoli, apples and green tea. You don’t have to do it all in one day. I believe that continuing to make little changes adds up to a big difference over time. Make one little change today. I love salad. Make it interesting, add a protein and you have a healthy meal.

Get Out of Debt and Save Money
If you spend more than you earn, you’re heading in the wrong direction. The sooner you balance your spending to your income, the sooner you can start saving for larger purchases, vacation, children’s college and retirement. Make a plan and stick with it. You can Calculate your way back to financial health.

Spend More Time with Family
The number one regret people have is spending too much time working. While you’re at the office or the factory, the children grow up and sometimes spouses grow apart. You wonder where the years went. But, you can never get them back. It took me many years to realize that not everyone works 60-80 hours a week at a job. What If you could work from home, be your own boss and be there for your family?

Travel to New Places
Vacation in a distant land or close to home. There are many places in all price ranges. Even a weekend getaway can be fun and exciting.

Be Less Stressed
Suggestions: Deep breathing, meditation, yoga and Baroque music are all ways to de-stress. You may not be able to change what happens during the day, but you can change your reaction to it.

When you can see past your own life, you see a bigger picture.

Drink Less Alcohol
At a party, make every other drink non-alcoholic. If you have a glassful of sparkling soda with a slice of lemon or lime, you cut your calories and alcohol in half. At home, try drinking out of a smaller glass or have one less drink. Drink slowly and enjoy every sip.

Marilyn Kvasnok

Thanksgiving Turkey

Here is a new way to prep your
Thanksgiving turkey.

Just for fun, of course!

1. Cut out aluminum foil in desired shapes.
2. Arrange the turkey in the roasting pan.
3. position the foil carefully. (see photo)
4. Roast according to your own recipe and serve.
5. Watch your guests’ faces …

Turkey in Bikini

Have you ever made a turkey like this?
What is your Thanksgiving menu this year?
Be sure to add a comment with your Thanksgiving traditions.

Marilyn Kvasnok

Two Steps Forward and One Step Back

Pancakes with Maple SyrupI believe in living healthy and green. And that by taking little steps in the right direction, I will achieve my goal. But, it’s not always easy.

Most mornings, my breakfast is a little fruit, cottage cheese and coffee with low fat milk. Once in a while I’ll have a piece of whole grain toast. But, today I made pancakes. I chose the Heart Smart Bisquick pancake mix because it doesn’t have all the chemicals and unrecognizable ingredients that the other mixes have. And if all the white flour and Mrs. Butterworth syrup wasn’t bad enough, I cooked them in a Teflon pan so I wouldn’t have a crumbly, stuck to the pan mess. Once in a while it’s OK to splurge, right?

After making twice as many pancakes as we would eat, I served mom and dished up mine. I ate too fast. I added too much syrup. I ate too many pancakes. I felt uncomfortably full for hours. So did mom. I decided the right thing to do at that point was to drink lots of water to flush all that glop thru my system, but I could barely sip a little lukewarm coffee.

Stomach Soothing Complex and time were the only two things that helped. Tomorrow … I’m going back to fruit, cottage cheese and coffee with low fat milk.

Add a comment and let me know … What’s your favorite breakfast?  

Marilyn Kvasnok

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