Health Talk Today


Did You Know?

The world’s population is growing exponentially.
So is the Internet.
Technology has made us a global community.
Things we take for granted today weren’t around a generation ago.
What’s next on the horizon?

Click here to watch a video with some interesting, eye-opening statistics.

Marilyn Kvasnok

On a Mission

So, why am I blogging anyway? I’m not an expert.

A while back, I started reading blogs. It opened up a whole new world to me. I had no idea that so many people – just like me – were telling their stories. Some weren’t worth the time it took to load the page. But, others ranged from good to great. There’s a wealth of information on blogs. Some are warm and fuzzy, filled with personal stories and family photos. Others are very professional looking, with links to the sources that verify the posted articles.

I’m passionate about living healthy and doing the best I can for me and my family. So, I try to eat healthy, drink lots of water and take my vitamins.

Everyone’s going green these days and I’m no exception. I use non-toxic cleaning products. I feel better and breathe easier since I’ve gotten the chemicals out of the house.

I’m conservative with disposable items like paper towels. I almost never use paper plates and cups. And I recycle everything I can. It’s the responsible thing to do.

And now, I’m ready to share my experience and knowledge with everyone in cyberspace.

Marilyn Kvasnok

The Story Behind the Health Talk Today Header

The Rainbow:
Rainbows have a special meaning to my family. In 1980, Dad passed away after a courageous battle with cancer. As Mom drove home from the hospital on that dreary, rainy day, the clouds parted and the sun peeked out. Just as mom turned the last corner, a rainbow appeared over the house. She knew it was a sign from Dad. He was in heaven. Since then, we’ve been drawn to rainbows – On birthday cards, suncatchers, stationery, tee shirts and anything else we find.

The Apples:
“An apple a day, keeps the doctor away.” That’s a start, but it takes so much more. I try to eat lots of fruits and vegetables.

The Cat:
Cookie is my cat. She’s 7 years old. We adopted her from the Animal Protective League. I love animals and so we’ve always had pets.

The Vitamins:
I used to think I ate well and didn’t need vitamins. But, the food we eat today, no matter how well we think we eat, just doesn’t have the nutrients it used to have. There’s a wide range of vitamins on the market. Most of us are familiar with the popular brands like One-A-Day and Centrum. And there are lots to choose from at the health food store. I found a brand of vitamins and supplements that are working well for me and I take them every day.

The Globe:
Thanks to the Internet, we’re truly a global community. I have friends all over the world and stay in touch with them online. I’m with an international corporation that’s based in the US. They’re now in 6 countries and expanding to 50 in the next several years.

The Cleveland Ohio Skyline:
Cleveland Ohio is my home. That’s where my parents were born, grew up, got married and started their family. That’s where I was born and lived for several years. Even though we moved to the suburbs, I consider Cleveland my home.

The Trees:
I have 5 majestic oak trees in my front yard. Trees are a symbol of life. They provide shade and filter the air. I love to listen to the birds that live in the trees and watch the squirrels that scurry all summer, gathering acorns to eat during the long, cold winter.

Marilyn Kvasnok

Introduction to Health Talk Today

Welcome to Health Talk Today blog. This is one baby boomer’s journey into wellness.

With age comes wisdom. As time goes by, I’ve become increasingly aware of taking care of my body, mind and soul. And now, I’ve become passionate about caring for the earth, too. This blog will document the little changes I’ve made that have dramatically changed my health, my attitude and my life. And new things to think about and incorporate.

When I was young, I thought I was invincible – Didn’t we all! I saw it in my friends and then, in my children. Sometimes I think we’re just lucky to have survived. But, I’m convinced that all the things we do when we’re young can, and do, come back to haunt us. And now I know that living well from now on is the best course of action to take.

We can never go back. What’s done is done. But, it’s never too late to start from today and go forward to create a whole new future. And so, my journey continues . . .

Marilyn Kvasnok

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