Health Talk Today

Top 10 Healthy Skin Tips

Girl Washing Face

Babies are born with the softest and smoothest skin.  But as we age, our skin can take a real beating.  An unhealthy diet, air pollution, soaps and cleansers, smoking, sunburns, tanning booths and cheap cosmetics with harmful chemicals.  It all contributes to the aging effect and shows the most on your face.

If you want healthy skin, you need to take care of it.  And the best time to start is today!  It’s possible to slow down and even improve the health of your skin.  Make these 10 tips part of your daily routine and they’ll become good habits.

  1. Avoid excessive sun exposure. A little sun is good.  It helps your body make vitamin D.  But too much sun, especially in the heat of the day, can burn your skin.  So, wear sunscreen on all exposed skin.  And wear a hat to shield your face.
  2. Take a multivitamin to guarantee you get sufficient vitamin D.
  3. Use moisturizer to keep you skin hydrated and protect it from the elements.
  4. Use all natural cleansers with no harmful chemicals.  Gently wash your face in an upwards direction.  Never pull the skin downward.
  5. Don’t smoke. Smoking causes wrinkles and premature aging.
  6. Sleep on your back. It helps counteract the gravity that’s been pulling your face downward all day.  And it keeps your face from being pulled by the weight of your face on the pillow, if you were to sleep on your side.
  7. Facial exercises can help keep a youthful look.  It can avoid and even improve wrinkles, crow’s feet, laugh lines and a sagging neck.  Even smiling and laughing helps to exercise facial muscles.  There are many facial exercise experts.  Carol Maggio is at the top of my list.
  8. Eat a healthy diet of fruits, vegetables, lean meats, fish and healthy fats like olive oil.  Chocolate is NOT one of the 5 food groups on the food pyramid!
  9. Don’t touch your face. Your hands have bacteria that can cause infection and make your skin break out.
  10. Use all natural cosmetics. Anything you put ON your skin gets absorbed INTO your skin.  From there it goes to your bloodstream.  Make sure it doesn’t contain harmful chemicals.

Marilyn Kvasnok

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  1. Cynthia says:

    Hi Marilyn,

    Great post & I agree with everything you listed.

    I remember one thing that my mom always tells me time & time again: Don’t forget to moisturize! Since I was a little girl, she has been telling me that. And now that I am an adult, I always take care of my face, neck, legs & arms! I even moisturize in the summer months!

    In addition to the things you mentioned, I like to go for facials every 6 months. I just had one yesterday, and my skin looks amazing! So clean and clear.

    The only thing you didn’t mention is to drink a lot of water. Every time I go for a facial, they always tell me that I do not drink enough water because my skin looks parched! Oh well. I try to drink water, but I just can’t seem to get into the habit. It’s bad, I know!

    1. Marilyn says:

      Thanks, Cynthia. Good point. Water is essential for everything – Including your skin. If you’re having trouble drinking water, start with tea, cranberry juice or apple juice. As you drink, keep adding water. It’s best to drink plain, filtered water. But, drinking water with juice or tea is better than not drinking water. Thanks for your comment. ~Marilyn

  2. John says:

    Great advice for women and men!
    Thanks for the info.

  3. Germila says:

    Beauty tips reviews spread news on how to take good care of the skin with natural and chemical treatments. Most are having different thoughts pertaining remedies for skin problems. Thus, most men and women wanted to fight aging using remedies that can heal not conceal.

    1. Marilyn says:

      Thanks for the comment, Germila. Natural is always better.

  4. Great advice for both men and women. Thank you so much for this wonderful share..

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