Health Talk Today

Anti-Stress Kit

Anti-Stress Kit Front

An Anti-Stress Kit makes a great gift. I’ve given them to all the teachers as an end of the school year thank you. I’ve given them to all the doctors, nurses, therapists and aides after a hospital stay … A couple of times. And I always have a few just to say thank you on the moment’s notice.

Anti-Stress Kit

You’ll need a small bottle to hold the contents.
The first time I made them, I found round glass bottles (like a globe) with a plastic, screw on top. They were at a local craft store for 35 cents each. Other times, I found cylinder shaped bottles (pictured) and mini-mugs with tops. The last time, I shopped at a dollar store and bought plastic salt and pepper shakers with a covered butter dish. So, for $1.00, I got 2 bottles. Plus, I used the cover to the butter dish for a drawer divider. I’m still looking for a use for the butter dish bottom.

Anti-Stress Kit Parts

Anti-Stress Kit contents.
• Eraser … I used a small one that fits on top of a pencil.
• Penny … Shiny and new.
• Marble.
• Rubber band.
• String … About 6 inches long.
• Hershey Kiss candy
• Hershey Hugs candy

• Ribbon … Long enough to go around the neck of the bottle and tie.

• Anti-Stress Kit Card

This Anti-Stress Kit Contains:
An eraser, so you can make all
Of your troubles disappear.
A penny, so you can never
say you’re broke.
A marble, in case someone
says you’ve lost all of yours.
A rubber band, to stretch yourself
beyond your limits.
A string, to tie things together
when they fall apart.
And hugs & kisses, to remind you
that someone, somewhere, cares.

Print this verse on card stock.
You can download mine here.

On the back of the verse, you can add your contact info or the reason for the gift.
I’ve also added my business card in addition to the verse.

Use a one hole punch to make it easy to thread the ribbon.

Anti-Stress Kit Back

Marilyn Kvasnok
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  1. Diana says:

    Except for my stress ball, I would love to have this one. The Anti-stress card is really wonderful. Made me realize things in life, good thing it has hugs and kisses. I will definitely try this one. Thanks for the idea!

    1. Marilyn says:

      Thanks for the comment, Diana. The anti-stress kit is so easy to make. And everyone seems to appreciate it. I hope you get the same response.

  2. Diana says:

    I made one for my fiancee but I think he just love the hugs and kisses lol
    I’m making few into a different medium like a clear box or pouch. Surely, my girlfriends would love them.

    1. Marilyn says:

      Great idea, Diana!

  3. Kay Newton says:


    I love it! So simple and so powerful.
    I know what all my girlfriends are now getting for xmas.


  4. Marilyn says:

    Kay, I’m glad you like my Anti-Stress kit enough to make it for your girlfriends.
    I’m sure they’ll like it, too!

  5. Melinda Putnam-Prescott says:

    I would very much appreciate that you change the name of your “kit” as I have had the copyright to “Anti-Stress Kit” since 2001 under Putnam Enterprises.

    Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.

    Thank you.

    1. Marilyn says:

      Thanks for your comment, Melinda. I first came upon the idea of an Anti-Stress Kit many years ago, long before 2001. It was a way to show appreciation and kindness to others. This idea has been in wide circulation for a very long time. In fact, if you Google “anti-stress kit” you get 11,900 results. I share this idea on my blog as a simple act of kindness to others, without any financial benefit or claim of ownership. Surely a simple act of kindness between friends will do no harm to your copyright.


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