Health Talk Today

Make Preparations to Keep a Healthy Diet When You Go on Vacation

Guest post by Cole Millen, an avid traveler and foodie.

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Going on vacation is an event that most families look forward to all year long.  For many people, family vacations are only possible once a year due to available finances and work and school schedules.  When vacation time rolls around, there are numerous outings and activities to look forward to.  Many people enjoy eating out and enjoying some of their favorite foods while they are away from home as part of their favorite activities.

Healthy Fruit

Plan Your Travel Time Meals and Snacks in Advance

In order to prepare yourself and your family to stick to a delicious but healthy diet, it is a good idea to plan out the majority of your snack and meals for your travel time.  If you will be spending a lot of time in a vehicle, taking along a cooler and packing healthy snacks such as fresh fruit, trail mix and homemade granola bars will help you to stay away from fast food restaurants and convenience stores for snacks.

Staying away from convenience stores while you are on the road will eliminate the temptation to purchase fat-filled foods such as candy bars and potato chips.  For family meals on the road, consider adding deli sandwiches consisting of BLTs or turkey sandwiches on whole wheat with lettuce, mustard and cucumbers. 

Finding a Health Friendly Hotel

Not all hotels are designed with healthy living in mind, but there are some establishments that cater to a healthy lifestyle, which are terrific choices for anyone who wants to maintain their diet while on vacation. These hotels are often tough to find so it is important to do some research prior to traveling. I have found that reading reviews from other travelers on the hotels and areas provides the most unbiased and honest opinion. I stumbled upon a great site where I was recently able to find a list Las Vegas hotels with a number of amenities including a vegetarian restaurant primarily because of the reviews from healthy conscious travelers such as myself. Such hotels will not only offer exercise facilities, but there may also be healthy food options from restaurants and room service. In addition, some hotels will offer active gatherings such as aerobics classes or group sports for guests to remain active during their stay.

Eating Out

If you have been avoiding eating out lately, familiarize yourself with the restaurants you will be visiting on your vacation. If possible, review menus online so you have an idea of what is available. One of the greatest pitfalls that diners and travels may face is dining out at restaurants, which can be accompanied with fatty appetizers, wine and spirits as well as caloric masses of food. Avoiding heavy appetizers and skipping the breadbasket is the first way to prevent overindulgence. It can be very easy to eat an excessive amount while waiting for a meal to arrive and chatting with fellow diners. Starting the meal with water or seltzer water flavored with lemon can help prevent mindless eating while enjoying conversation. Many restaurants offer a section on menus where healthy options are highlighted, which can be extremely helpful for travelers looking to separate unhealthy options from their healthy counterparts. While a salad may seem like the best choice, heavy dressings, cheeses and croutons can make salads a tricky pitfall that many diners become confused by. Instead, seek out grilled fish and chicken surrounded by steamed vegetables. When in doubt, diners monitoring their nutrition while traveling should never hesitate to ask servers and wait staff about the method of cooking, dressing options and fats used in a dish. Simply questioning a prospective meal may help diners save hundreds of calories by allowing them to pick another option or request alternative cooking methods, such as steaming, baking and grilling.

Cole MillenCole Millen is an avid traveler and foodie who never forgets that life’s best memories are made through real life apprehension of legitimate “experiences.” Some people plan a trip to “get away,” while others realize benefit of adding something greater to their current repertoire of knowledge, thought and emotion. Through my writings, I hope to influence the earlier, and connect with the latter.

Visit Cole’s blog: Cole’s Mill.

How Much is a Pound of Fat?

How Much is a Pound of Fat?

Are You Ready to Do a 180? 90 Days to Lose the Weight. 90 Days to Learn How to Keep it Off.

Marilyn Kvasnok

Protect Your Purse

Woman protecting her purse

I decided to go to Mass tonight. It was cold but not snowing … yet. I checked the radar and decided I would be back before the snow started. By the time I parked the car, there were a few snow flakes in the air. And by the time Mass was over, there was at least an inch of light, fluffy snow piled up on my car. So much for my meteorological expertise.

But, A little snow couldn’t stop me from a shopping trip to Sam’s Club. And a lot of other people must have thought the same thing. I was surprised how crowded it was. You’d think people would stay home during the storm.

I was making my way thru the store picking up things on my list. As I reached into the refrigerator case to grab a block of cheese, I turned my back on my cart for just a few seconds. There were other people in the aisle, but no one close to me. As I turned back to my cart, There was a man just a few feet away, walking toward me. As soon as he saw me, he turned and walked away.

I don’t like to jump to conclusions, but I think that man may have been ready to snatch my purse. Or maybe just try to get my wallet or credit cards. Luckily, nothing came of it. But, it reminded me that these things do happen. And they happen FAST. So I need to be prepared and vigilant. We all do.

Purse Safety

Before you leave the house

  • Inventory your purse. Photo copy all your credit cards. You can do several at a time. Copy front and back, so you have a record of all the credit card numbers, expiration dates, security codes and credit card company phone numbers.
  • Only take the credit cards and cash you need. Leave the rest at home.

Walking with your purse

  • Protect your purse. When you carry your purse, keep it close to you. The best way is to keep it between your arm and your body. Never sling it to the back. And don’t dangle it by the straps.
  • Keep your purse closed. It won’t stop someone from snatching it, but it would be harder to take something out of it.
  • Put your keys in your pocket for two reasons. If your purse is stolen, you’ll have keys to drive home and get into your house. And by protecting your keys from theft, you also protect your car and home.

At the store

  • Secure your purse in the cart. Use the baby seat belt. Thread the belt thru your purse straps and fasten it.
  • Hide your purse under something. If I’m wearing a jacket, I use that. Or as I buy things, I put them around and over my purse.

If the worst happens

  • Don’t risk your life. Let your purse go.

Have you had an experience with a purse snatcher?
Leave a comment with your story and/or purse safety tips.

Marilyn Kvasnok

February is American Heart Month

American Heart Association
According to the American Heart Association

  • More than one in three adults has some form of cardiovascular disease.
  • The good news is 80% of heart disease and stroke can be prevented.

Life’s Simple 7 keys to prevention

Control cholesterol
Cholesterol is more than just a number. One important factor is the ratio of good cholesterol (HDL) to bad cholesterol (LDL). The more HDL in your blood, the better the ratio. Keep your cholesterol in check by reducing and/or eliminating the bad fats in foods like greasy burgers and bacon.

Manage blood pressure
Blood pressure can be controlled with medication or try these low blood pressure tips.

Reduce blood sugar
Prevent diabetes by living a healthy lifestyle outlined here. Check your blood sugar with a simple blood test. If you have diabetes, control it with diet and exercise. And take your medicine if your doctor prescribes it.

Eat right
Eat less red meat. Eliminate boxed, prepared and over processed food. Stop eating white flour and sugar.
Eat more fruits and vegetables. Follow the food pyramid or go vegan.

Lose weight
There’s no magic to losing weight. To lose one pound, you need to …
Eat 3,500 calories less
Burn 3,500 calories more
Or a combination of both
You’re invited to do a 180 turnaround. 90 Days to lose the weight. Then 90 days to learn how to keep it off.

Get moving
Walking is one of the best exercises. All you need is a good pair of shoes and get moving.

Stop smoking
There are lots of good reasons to stop smoking. And NO good reason to continue smoking. Top 10 Reasons to Quit Smoking

What Are My Chances of Getting Heart Disease

Make the Effort to Prevent Heart Disease with Life’s Simple 7
What Are My Chances of Getting Heart Disease?
American Heart Association

Leave a comment with YOUR heart healthy tips.

Marilyn Kvasnok

Stand Up and Watch

Sitting and Working 






Are you sitting at your desk?
How long has it been since you got up and moved?

I work from home and spend a lot of time sitting at my desk, using the computer and talking on the phone.

I now have a new rule …
At least every hour, I get up and walk. It’s good to take a break.

  • I look at things further away than the computer.
  • I get my blood circulating.
  • I add to the steps I take every day. 10,000 is a good target.
  • I don’t think about work while I walk.
  • Or I can think and plan about work or anything else while I walk.
  • I do something else – anything else – like vacuum, cook or play with the cat.

When I get back to my desk, I’m ready to work again. Even though I’ve taken breaks, I get more done during the day. There’s something about walking that clears my brain and lets me focus.

Leave a comment with YOUR rules about sitting.

Marilyn Kvasnok

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